City of Reading
Holiday Walk

The inaugural City of Reading Holiday Walk was held on Friday, December 2, 2022 from 6:30-9pm. This event was a collaboration between WeTHRIVE! in Reading, the Reading Bridal District, and the City of Reading. The 2024 Holiday Walk is scheduled for Saturday, December 7.

The goal of the event is to build upon the tradition of the Girl Scouts’ crib dedication and tree lighting, creating a full evening event for the enjoyment of local residents and the benefit our local Benson Street businesses. Over time we hope that this event will contribute to community identity and making Reading even more attractive to current and potential residents and business owners (and give residents a reason to spend some time outside!).

The event incorporates vendors, local shops, a storefront scavenger hunt (kids find the pickle ornament in each storefront), festively decorated flower pots along Benson Street, and other festive fun!

We estimate that 600-1000 guests attended the event each year.

Learn more on the event website: